Emergencies happen (it’s part of life). That’s why having emergency plumbing in Scottsdale is key. Faulty plumbing (slow drains, inadequate water pressure, signs of leaks on ceilings) is one of the top 10 most common issues that happen in a home. For homeowner’s, few things can be as stressful as an emergency plumbing problem. Thoughts of extensive home repair and high bills, take over.
Bottom line, emergency plumbing is no joke and if left unchecked, it can not only ruin your home but present a health risk. One of the best things you can do to help protect your home is to have the phone number of a professional emergency plumbing professional in Scottsdale within easy reach.
Emergency Plumbing Scottsdale – Here’s What You Should Do
It’s important to take precautionary measures when faced with an emergency plumbing situation, including the following.
First and Foremost, Shut Off the Water
At the first sign of an emergency plumbing problem, shut off the water to avoid additional damage. Even a small leak can lead to structural damage that can cost you thousands of dollars if left untreated. If the leak is located at a fixture like a toilet or a faucet, turn the water off at the fixture if possible. If you can’t find the shut-off valve, turn off your home’s main water supply which is typically located near the water meter.
Clear the Surrounding Area
If you know where the problem is occurring, like the kitchen or bathroom, clear the area. Not only will this help protect your belongings, but it will also make it easier for the plumber to gain access to the problem quickly.
Open Drains and Spigots
You can move any remaining water in the pipes and turn it away from your home and probable damage areas by turning on any drains and spigots that are outside of your home. If you encounter a clog or backup during this process, attempt to open up the drain by using gentle options like a plunger. Whatever you do, don’t use chemical cleaners in the pipes because they can end up causing more damage, especially during an emergency plumbing issue.
Water Heat
Turn off the water heater to prevent damage and avoid having to have it replaced. By shutting off the water heater once the main value has been turned off, you’ll be able to keep heat from welling up inside it, avoiding the risk of the heater overheating and potentially bursting. In the case of gas water heaters, the gas always needs to be turned off first.
Emergency Plumbing in Scottsdale – Call the Professionals
Emergency situations need to be dealt with by a professional plumber trained to handle potentially catastrophic problems, quickly and efficiently completing the job safely. Why run the risk of attempting to repair the problem yourself and making it worse, causing costly, structural damage to your home?
Whatever you do, don’t let leaks or emergencies get out of control. At Scottsdale plumbing, we handle emergencies 24 hours a day. Contact us whenever you need emergency plumbing in Scottsdale.
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